To offer education, friendship, and assistance to fellow writers, and to promote
the excellence of writing in all its forms.
The purpose of this corporation is to provide support, education, information, and friendship to fellow writers; and we promote literacy and the creative art of writing in all of its forms.
To encourage as many Indiana men, women, and children as we can to strive to reach their full writing potential.
Also, through Facebook, our blog, member bookstore, annual magazine, special programs and speakers, we strive to expose the talents of our Indiana writers.
Write-on, Hoosiers' Affiliates:
- Blank Slate Writers
- Indiana Writers' Consortium
- National Writers Association
- Magic Hour Writers
Meeting Place and Time:
W.O.H. meets each 1st and 3rd Thurs (Jan. though Nov.)
We have our annual banquet the 1st Weds of every December.
E-mail for information and locations (Crown Point, Merrillville, and Schererville areas)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Join us on Facebook!! (Just type Write on Hoosiers)